Style of Graphic and Style of Graphic Used

Style of Graphic


In computer games have 2 major style of digital graphic that usually use for any game companies in creating there game design. Therefore the two digital style are consists of:-

ü 2D

ü 3D


The definition of 2D is first need to know the meaning by 2D that stand for Two - Dimensional. Basically 2D is an digital art that create by graphic layout and content example creating logo, cartoon, character like shows on Fig.1 below example of 2D graphic which is like Tom and Jerry below. Furthermore, 2D basically design have two type of categories which is Pixel type of Graphic and Vector type of graphic that will be explain more below. In addition, the coordinate for 2D only have 2, if anyone try to create digital there will notice that it will only have two coordinate which are x-axis and y-axis coordinate only. 

Figure 1

While in terms of the uses, this type of style usually been use in computer game because its really important. It very important to game industries because if any company want to create example one 3D character, first they need to have the sketch or reference which that reference been use using 2D style such as drawing the character, front, back, side and much more. Therefore, its easy to change into 3D like shows on Fig 2 below the example of it. Another uses also it helps the game company to create faster game instead of 3D this is because of 2D basically only simple and flat animation only that majority will be faster rather than 3D. 

Figure 2


Meanwhile, talking about 3D that stand for Three-Dimensional. Unlike 2D, this 3D type of style is really well-known nowadays, most of the game companies use 3D type of style game. In simple terms, 3D basically where the object can be seen in 360 degree which means all the side that have x-y-z axis coordinate for 3D. Like shows on Fig 3 below that shows how the 3D looks like, it can be seen that 3D in basically more into real world situation that need lighting in order to create it and also have there shadow. 

Figure 3

Furthermore, in terms of the uses, this 3D style usually use when the company want to create a real image type of graphic or it also can be cartoonish like what Disney did. However, this 3D style usually for game that base on real world style, that such as using VFX that also create by 3D type of style which can attract more audience in playing game if the video game mostly use 3D due to it looks real and majority of audience will love it. That shows on Fig 4 below the example of the uses of 3D in game where can be seen someone use 3D style by facial tracking.

Figure 4

The style used for Digital Graphic for Computer Game


In terms style used in Digital graphic, it have 4 difference type which consists of:-


ü Cel Shading

ü Photorealism

ü Exaggeration

ü Abstraction



Cel Shading

For the first type of art style that used in digital graphic is Cel-Shading. Basically Cel Shading is one of style that become popular. This is because of this art style mostly attractive in terms of the colour that used (bright and stand out), the type of character are unique and lovely. For example the marvel game that use Cel Shading art style like shows on Fig 5 below the example of it. In short to understand Cel Shading style mostly looks like comic or hand drawn type of art style that use in game. 


Figure 5


In terms of the second art style that one of the common and popular one is Photorealism. This type of style are the opposite from Cel Shading. Since Cel Shading type of art more into cartoonish but Photorealism mostly more into realism type of art. This type of style art usually use if the game mostly in 3D type that basically focusing on the real world type of game such as Call of Duty, Far Cry, Mass effect and much more. That if people notice that most of the game example Call of Duty Infinity Warfare that shows on Fig 6 below, most of the character inside the game mostly look a like, the voice actor of the character or the model of the character. Therefore this is what it called Photorealism that base on real world type of art. The main purpose here, to give feeling to the audience by using realistic type of graphic it give more impact to the audience to feel much more real.


Figure 6



For the third type of art style is Exaggeration. This type of style also popular especially for the superhero games or games that mostly relate with superpower. This is because of Exaggeration type of style is where the game style is over the top which means its not logic. Such as the Dragon Ball game when Goku use “Spirit Bomb” that so big. In short this type of art style usually base on anime or Japanese cartoon that mostly have unique style of characters and unique powers. The example of this can be seen on Fig.7 below shows the example of game that consider as Exaggeration, which shows the Batman body muscle is over the top from the real human. The purpose, to make the game in terms of graphic more excited and more outstanding when someone play it.


 Figure 7


For the last art type style, will be talking about the Abstraction. This type of art is that can be called as unrealistic type of art. The art are really unique that mostly use more shapes inside the game itself such as the game old game that arrange the block or  cube to finish the game. Where Fig.8 shows the video game. In short this type of game is really simple but somehow can be enjoyable for another audience to play.

Figure 8
